

Create an illustration in the style of Tim Maxwell or crypto artist maxwellinked using ink on paper employing a multiplicity of vanishing points from a birds eye perspective.

This space seems generalized yet specific. The illusory space is comprised of thousands of unhinged lines created from muscle memory.

A singular pyramid looms dead center with an apex visible only as an unattainable destination .

Create hundreds of inarticulate human shadows casting their own shadows of perception and memory.

The silhouettes are all at once in slumber or awakening from primordial dreams within a cave posturing as a panopticon.

The form of their direction mimics the certainty of The Library of Babel, with reinforced short term acknowledgement.

All planes are moving in a counter clockwise direction with a palette comprised of wax and marble.

Every line is drawn from a dynamic range of nib sizes from very thin to extra broad. The flow of these entities are uniform and welcoming of all affectation.

All aesthetic value is placed on a leap of faith devoid of a crash course in Ethics or philosophic purpose.

Add many more people as silhouettes.

Add more details and complexity to the figures, whose arms are now raised with unequivocal purpose having shed all doubt from the minutes prior.

The frame is entirely isomorphic to its limitations of 1::1 and is <300KB

Editions: 1721

Livemint Collection:

fa contract: KT1RRUprsybMBywdV5qHQyi8Hiy7gWdVvivs

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Rights: Creative Commons

Mime: image/jpeg